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How to Link multiple email accounts together through Gmail

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How to Link multiple email accounts together through Gmail

It’s becoming increasingly rare for people to operate on just one email account. We all tend to have separate accounts for work and personal, and maybe more on the go as well. So how time-consuming is it to have to switch between accounts in order to check all of our inboxes? Mercifully, Gmail comes with the built-in option to link

Gmail accounts together so that all of the new emails are streamed into one place, making it simple to check them on the fly and easy to reply to them from whichever email address you choose.


There is much more to Gmail than meets the eye too, because you can then really start to explore the main options available to you through the Settings screen (accessible by clicking on the cog icon in the top-right corner of the interface) and personalise your setup to make link as easy as possible with our self google tricks you can get emails easily forwarded to any account and set up an autoreply message that is automatically emailed out if you are away from your desk or otherwise engaged. Use the tabs at the top of the Settings interface to navigate through sections and make sure you click on Save Changes at the bottom of the screen when you’re happy with your alterations. read: How to create Google email alert for any topic of your choice.

Link your Gmail accounts together

1: Go to Settings: From your main Gmail inbox screen, click on the cog icon drop-down menu in the top-right corner and then scroll down the list of available options and select Settings

2: Explore your options: You’ll be taken to the General Settings page. Start exploring the various options. For example, on this page you can disable Conversation View to stop messages getting bunched together.

3: Adding another account: Click on the Accounts tab at the top of the settings screen and look at the section called ‘Check email from other accounts’. Here you will see a link to ‘Add a POP3 mail account to your own’ – click on this.

4: Enter new email address: In a new window, you will be prompted to enter the email address of the additional account. Once
done, the next stage will involve supplying the password and reviewing the settings.

5: Account added:If the process has been successful and the two accounts are linked, you will be notified. You will also be asked if you wish to send mail as your secondary account. When done, click on Next Step.

6: Changing senders: If you declined the option to be able to send mail from your main account from your secondary account, you can change it here later by clicking on ‘Add another email address you own’.

7: Forwarding emails: To start forwarding messages automatically between accounts, go to the Settings screen and click on ‘Forwarding and POP/IMAP’ at the top of the screen. Click on ‘Add a forwarding address’.

8: Confirm address: Enter the forwarding email address and go through the confirmation process. A message will be sent to the forwarding address that will also need to be verified. Once done, the setup is complete.

9: AutoReply: To set up an Out of Office AutoReply, go to Settings and then scroll down to the bottom of the General section. Here you can activate the feature and type in a message to be sent in your absence.

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