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How to Upload your own videos to YouTube-Here’s what you need to do and be aware of when you’re sharing it with the world

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How to Upload your own videos to YouTube-Here’s what you need to do and be aware of when you’re sharing it with the world

The modern age of the smartphone, which doubles up as a very adept video recording device, means that everything in life can be documented and shared with the world. The ever-surging
popularity of the YouTube web video service means that it is often people’s first stop for entertainment as you can find pretty much anything you want, within reason, uploaded and ready for you to enjoy.

Uploading your own videos is a quick and easy task and you have full control over who
sees the videos that you uploaded and the promotional process to get them seen by as many people as possible, which could also mean an unexpected source of revenue for yourself as a result. When you upload a video,
you must give it a title and a description to best present it to other people and then you can go about adding tags, which are keywords that people are likely to search for – so adding enough relevant tags will help ensure that your movie is pushed to the front of the pecking order when searched for.

In this tutorial on our self google tricks we will guide you through the process of uploading your first video to YouTube and detailing the important steps that you must go through to ensure it
goes global! read: How to sig up for newsletters , including offers from Google Play and  Notifications

Put your home-grown videos on the net

1: Sign in:  On the YouTube site, click on the Sign In button (top right) and then sign into your account. This can be your Gmail address and password; or if you have a pre-existing YouTube account, use those details.
2: Click on Upload: When you have successfully logged into your YouTube account, click on the Upload button to the right of the search bar and then you’ll be taken through to the main video upload screen.

3: Select files: Click on the big arrow in the middle (which turns red) to start navigating to the video you want to upload. Alternatively, if you have it to hand, simply drag it into the space provided to start the process.

4: Start promoting: While your video is uploading, add the important bits of info, including a title and a description of your video so that anyone who decides to view it can get a brief overview of what to expect.

5: Add tags: Tagging your video is important as the keywords that you assign will ensure that your video appears on the radar of anyone who searches for words that relate to it. You can add as many tags as you want.

6: Adjust privacy settings:You can also determine whether your video is viewed by everyone (public) or only by those whom you invite. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘Privacy settings’ to select an option

7: Share your video:There are options to share your video to various social media sites such as Google+, Facebook and Twitter. Click on a box to select it and then make sure that you select an appropriate category.

8: Check banners: When you video has finished uploading, you may see various items ged up, such as how to monetise your videos and, if your video was shaky, stabilise it and make it easier to watch and enjoy.

9: Save and share: Make sure that all of the info that you have added and the settings that you have applied are saved by clicking on the ‘Save and Share’ button in the lower right corner of the screen and prepare to go global.

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