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3 Secret Ways to Create a Popular Blog or website In A Blink Of An Eye

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3 Secret Ways to Create a Popular Blog or website In A Blink Of An Eye

It may look like an easy job to make a popular blog: just write what you know, right? Wrong! Not one of the bloggers “who made it” has done it easily, and even after their blog becomes popular, they work hard for it to stay that way. There are rules and steps to it, and they require patience and
commitment; if you’re ready to commit yourself to your blog, let’s start with our self google tricks.



You’ve probably read it a million times, but it’s true: you can’t become a great blogger without having a fantastic content.

Whatever your blogging niche is, all of your articles must be of high quality, not to mention that they must be 100% unique and interesting to your visitors.

That’s why you should make your blog look professional, and try to present your content in other forms than articles (videos, images, slides…). You must give your readers a reason to come back and to recommend your blog to their friends.

Now, you do realize that, especially at first, you’ll have to publish several articles a week? That’s a lot of work, and if you have no idea what you will write about after the first few weeks, then take an hour and brainstorm on it.

Other blogs in your niche are a great place to start gathering ideas, as well as social networks and other places where you can find people interested in your main topic.

All of this, of course, assuming that you already have enough general knowledge about the niche you’ve chosen. In case you don’t, then start reading – it takes time to become an expert, and even more to establish yourself as one.


If you already have a great looking blog with fantastic content on it, the next step is to present it to people. No, Google won’t do that for you, you have to go and find your audience.

There are many ways to drive visitors. You can start learning about search engine optimization (SEO), which is a slow process but well worth it – eventually your blog will start receiving visitors from Google for various search terms.

In the meantime, you can start promoting your blog on relevant forums or by commenting on other blogs in your niche. Establish contact with other bloggers, and ask them to do guest posting on their blogs – if you’re creating truly quality articles, you will get visitors for your blog from the link you leave in your author bio.

You should also share each post with your friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter, and ask them to share it further. That way it will reach more people, and some of them can even like your blog so much that they will subscribe to it. After a while, when you have a decent list of email subscribers, you can notify them directly about every new article you publish.


If you really want to stand out from the crowd, learn how to communicate with your blog readers. You’ve chosen to communicate with the entire world by sharing what you write on your blog – so let them communicate with you.

It’s the best way to create a community of people around your blog; a strong community will help it run successfully.

You can communicate with them on the blog itself, in the comments. Always leave the commenting section on, because the comments will allow you to get feedback from your readers, and to reply to them (at least to thank them for commenting).

You should also make relationships with your readers via Twitter, Facebook, Google+… Make it easy for them to find you by displaying like/follow me/Google+ buttons on your website, and when you get them to join your network, do your best to keep them in the long term.

All great bloggers have struggled at the beginning, so don’t let the amount of work required intimidate you; if you truly want to succeed, there are no shortcuts – you have to cover all the bases.

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