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how to Craw and index your newly blogger website quickly

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how to Craw and index your newly blogger website quickly

After creating a new website, you would want traffic or your blog to be notice by people and one of the ways is through search and search engine don’t display your content or information without it being craw by Googlebot after which it will be added or indexed by Google. Googlebot is software own by Google and the essence of googlebot is to search/ collect information from one website to another after which the collected information will be added to Google searchable index while indexing is the crawling activities/processing undergoes by the Googlebot. Now, I will be sharing with you tips on how to craw and index your new website quickly.


Tip on how to craw your website quickly

1.Generating a sitemap for your new website: A site map help in listing each page of your website it is an xml document it communicate with the search engine, or notify the search engine when new page is been added in your website. How do we generate these sitemap? You can create a site map by using a tool such as xml site map generator. how to Allow users to comment on Blogger using Google+
2.Summiting your sit map to Google: After creating your site map the next step is to summit it to Google through Google webmaster tools. How to add your new site to webmaster tools, create an account with Google and sign up for web master tool optimization sitemap next is to add the link of your site map to webmaster tools, the essence of it is to notify Google on the page of your website.
3.Summiting your website URL to various search engine: Ensure you summit your URL to various search engine such as yahoo, Google, Bing etc. Because it is another means of crewing your new website which will take few moment . 

4.Through social media: you can equally craw your new website through social media by creating profile and adding a link of your website to your social networking profile such as face book, twitter, Google+ and so on. Finally, Share your new website link and summit your content to quality article directories.

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